Abdi Dalem and Cultural Ambassador

Abdi Dalem with a smile
Source: kratonjogja.id

1. Introduction

On the previous post, the author has discussed that DIY (Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta) is one of the provinces that has special privileges in regulating its region after DKI (Special Region of Jakarta) and DIA (Special Region of Aceh), Yogyakarta's special status is inseparable from historical factors. History at the Dutch colonial era, the Japanese occupation, as well as the periods of struggle for independence.

In the official website of Yogyakarta Province, at the time of the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX and Sri Paku Alam VIII sent a letter from President Soekarno stating that the Yogyakarta Sultanate Region and the Pakualaman Region were part of Indonesian territory. On September 5th, 1945, a message was issued stating that the Sultanate and the Pakualaman area were a Special Region that became part of the Republic of Indonesia in accordance with Article 18 of the 1945 Constitution. On October 30th 1945, he issued a mandate that the implementation of Government in the Special Region of Yogyakarta would be carried out by the Sultan. Hamengkubuwono IX and Sri Paduka Paku Alam VIII together with the Badan Pekerja Komite Nasional (National Committee Worker Association) (source: Kompas.com).

Before Indonesia's independence, Yogyakarta already had a tradition of governance because Yogyakarta was a Sultanate, including the Pakualaman Duchy. Duchy of Pakualaman or Nagari Pakualaman is a dependent country in the form of a kingdom. Sovereignty and governmental power of the country are regulated and implemented according to political agreements/contracts made by the principal country together with the dependent country


In the colonial era, the Dutch East Indies was called Zelfbesturende Landschappen, like the kingdom in general, the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace also needed state apparatus from both civilian and military groups. Abdi Dalem is a civil servant who is assigned to assist the government and implement operations in any organization formed by the Sultan, while the military apparatus is court soldiers.

At this time, the author will provide a little information about Abdi Dalem Keraton Yogyakarta.

2. What is Abdi Dalem?

Abdi Dalem also has the duty to become Abdi Budaya (cultural ambassador), a person who can and is able to provide role models for the wider community and become an example of life in society, acting on the basis of Unggah-ungguh (traditional cultural daily rules) and understand manners. Therefore, a smile that is always broken, friendly and with high courtesy are things that are always shown by Abdi Dalem of the Yogyakarta Palace.


The language used by the Abdi Dalem when communicating in the Yogyakarta Palace is the language of "Bagongan" which does not recognize differences in degrees and ranks. Bagongan is different from Javanese in general.

Abdi Dalem Keraton Yogyakarta is divided into 2 major parts, namely: Punakawan and Kaprajan.

Abdi Dalem Punakawan is a person who comes from the general public. Abdi Dalem Punokawan is also an operational staff who performs daily tasks in the palace. Abdi Dalem is further divided into 2 groups, namely: Abdi Dalem Punakawan Tepas and Abdi Dalem Punakawan Caos.

  • Abdi Dalem Punakawan Tepas has working hours like employees who work in an office.
  • Abdi Dalem Punakawan Caos only faces the palace every ten days, to show a sign of respect and loyalty as Abdi Dalem.

Abdi Dalem Keprajan are those from the TNI, Polri, and Government employees (PNS) who are accepted and appointed as Abdi Dalem. In general, Abdi Dalem Keprajan are people who have entered retirement and then voluntarily devote their time, knowledge and energy to helping the palace.

The Abdi Dalem whose scope of work was closest to the Sultan was Keparak. This group is generally dominated by female Abdi Dalem. Abdi Dalem Keparak is one of the groups closest to the Sultan because of his duties, among others: guarding the heirloom room, preparing ceremonial equipment, and preparing the needs of the Sultan, Empress and Sons of the Sultan who live in the palace.

3. How to become Abdi Dalem?

Before being officially legalized as Abdi Dalem, candidates for Abdi Dalem will undergo an apprenticeship process for 2 years. During these 2 years the apprentices will be assessed starting from whether they are diligent or not visiting the palace, their determination to serve, as well as their talents and educational background. After being deemed worthy to become Abdi Dalem, then he is appointed through graduation. Abdi Dalem Graduation is held every 2 times a year, at Bakda Mulud and Shawwal (name of month at Javanese calendar)

The basis of becoming an Abdi Dalem is personal commitment. Abdi Dalem who is no longer able to carry out his duties due to getting old, health, and other reasons will undergo a process of dismissal which is called Miji. However, it was very rare that Abdi Dalem was bored or submitted his resignation.


  • Here are some provisions related to Miji or the process of dismissing Abdi Dalem:
  • Miji Sudono Mulyo: who has served for more than 20 years
  • Miji Sudono Saroyo: who has served between 10-20 years
  • Miji Stack: who has served under 10 years
  • Miji Pocot: dishonorably discharged, so he must return the title given by the Sultan (Asma Paring Dalem) and prohibited from entering the palace.

In carrying out their duties, Abdi dalem of the Yogyakarta Palace are bound by the credo of Watak Satriya, which was coined by the founder of the Yogyakarta Palace, Pangeran Mangkubumi or Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I, such as:

  • Nyawiji: Total, focus and always surrender to God Almighty.
  • Greget: Full of appreciation & soul
  • Sengguh: Self-confident
  • Ora Mingkuh: Dare to face trials and obstacles.


4. Closing

Being an Abdi Dalem in the palace does not mean that you will get high honoraria. The main reason for becoming an Abdi Dalem is generally to get inner peace and happiness. There are also those who are grateful for being allowed to live on the Sultan's land. Apart from that, another factor that one wants to gain from being an Abdi Dalem is to obtain Berkah Dalem ( A blessing). According to the Abdi Dalem, there is a fortune that comes and can meet the needs of his family after becoming Abdi Dalem.

Along with the development of the era where the palace requires a lot of professional staff, today many Abdi Dalem have higher education. Their educational backgrounds range from the arts to computers and accounting. This shows that Abdi Dalem is not always synonymous with elderly people with low education. Abdi Dalem are people who have cultural insight, expertise and high dedication.


In the end, Abdi Dalem's existence meant a lot. Not only to support the continuity of all activities in the palace, but also to become a bulwark for behavior in an increasingly rapidly changing era.


Tugas dan Fungsi Abdi Dalem

Mengapa Yogyakarta dan Aceh Menjadi Daerah Istimewa?

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