Story of The Queen and The Mataram Kingdom

Painting King and Queen
Source: - Painting King and Queen

1. Queen of the South-Coast on several versions

In Indonesia, especially the land of Java, there is a folklore that is legendary in its society and its existence is still believed to be able to give the impression of the life of the people who believe in it, have you ever heard of "Queen of the South-Coast?" and this folklore has many versions in which every group of people who actually is the figure of the Queen of the South Coast.

Quoted from Aan Merdeka Permana, the Javanese version had mentioned that the figure of the Queen of the South-Coast was a daughter of Kandita associated with the Pajajaran kingdom, but was denied by the Sundanese people because of sheer engineering. others also mentioned that the Queen of the South-Coast had an older life than the daughter of Kandita, because she did marry Raden Wijaya and took part in helping to provide the Majapahit kingdom, known as Dewi Cemara Tunggal. 

Another Javanese version states that Queen of the South-Coast is associated with echoes in Mataram (the Yogyakarta sultanate and the Surakarta kasunan), which is said to be the spiritual wife of the kings of the two palaces.

In another version, the figure of Nyi Roro Kidul is named the daughter of Banyu Bening Gelang Kencana, who is the son of the king of Banten Girang. Banyu Bening and his mother are in exile into the forest because of leprosy. Then in their dream they met 3 beautiful women who guarded the forest, crater and lake, they brought Banyu Bening to Samudera Bale Kencana and crowned him the Queen of the South Coast. By itself Banyu Bening's body headed for the south coast and was swallowed by the waves into the ocean.

In his book Aan also explains that the south coast princess has a relationship with Queen Bilqis. It is stated that this reason was taken because all the wise queens of the world reflect the queen Bilqis. However, this story only exists among people who study traditional non-academic science.

From all the versions above, the writer will tell you about Queen of the South-Coast from the perspective of the Yogyakarta Palace. Queen of the South-Coast existence as the ruler of the south coast cannot be separated from the Mataram kingdom. Even when Mataram was split into two, Surakarta and Yogyakarta, the myth of the ruler of the south coast still flourished in the southern coastal communities of Java.

2. The love story of the King and Queen

The strong belief of the people that the founder of the Mataram Kingdom, namely Panembahan Senapati, had a special relationship with Queen of the South-Coast, making the aura and authority of this kingdom always overwhelmed with a supernatural dimension. Not only Panembahan Senopati, even this 'special' relationship continued until his descendants became kings in Yogyakarta.

The story that a person who becomes king in Mataram or Yogyakarta also means marrying Queen of the South-Coast gives this king strong legitimacy. Coastal people who do not want to submit to the king's power have submitted to the myth that Queen of the South-Coast was the king's magical wife. According to a strongly held Mataram tradition, Queen of the South-Coast was a princess from the Padjajaran kingdom who had been expelled from the palace because she refused a marriage arranged by King Padjajaran then cursed his daughter, so that in the end she was made the queen of spirits with her palace under the waters of the Indian Ocean.

A Javanese legend from the 16th century rewards Queen of the South-Coast as the protector and spiritual partner of the kings of the Mataram Kingdom. Panembahan Senapati (1586-1601 AD), the founder of the Mataram Sultanate, and his grandson Sultan Agung Hanyakrakusuma (1613-1645 AD) called Kanjeng Ratu Kidul as their bride. This is stated in Babad Tanah Jawi.

According to legend, the prince of Panembahan Senopati wanted to establish a new kingdom, namely the Mataram Sultanate, to fight the power of the Pajang Sultanate. He did meditation on the beach of Parang Kusumo, which is located south of his residence in Kota Gede. 

His meditation caused supernatural phenomena to plague kingdoms in the South Sea. The Queen comes to the beach to see who is causing trouble in her kingdom. When she saw the handsome prince, she fell in love and begged Panembahan Senopati to stop his meditation. 


With condition, the ruler of the kingdom of the spiritual realm in the Southern seas agreed to help him in the new kingdom. To become the spiritual protector of the kingdom, the Queen was proposed by Panembahan Senopati to become her spiritual partner and all her successors, namely the kings of Mataram.

Related ArticleParangkusumo Beach Mystical Tours and Natural Attractions

3. Respected Queen of the South Coast (Ratu Kidul)

Painting the queen of the south
Source: - Painting The Queen of The South

In Javanese belief, the figure of Ratu Kidul is a glorified and respected figure. Javanese people know the term "telu-teluning atunggal" ("three figures who become one force"), namely Grandma Resi Projopati, Panembahan Senopati, and Ratu Kidul. Panembahan Senopati is the founder of the Islamic Mataram kingdom who met Ratu Kidul when he went on a tour according to Sunan Kalijaga's direction to obtain Wangsit (spiritual gift). At that time, he intended to build a palace in a place that was previously a forest called "Alas Mentaok" (now Kotagede in Yogyakarta Special Region). While he was meditating, all the realms became chaotic, big waves, rainstorms, earthquakes, and mountains erupted. Ratu Kidul agreed to help and protect the Mataram Kingdom, and was even believed to be the "spiritual wife" of the Islamic Mataram kings.

Hotel owners on the south coast of Java and Bali provide a special room for the Queen. The famous ones are Rooms 327 and 2401 at the Grand Bali Beach Hotel. Room 327 is the only room that was not burned down in the great fire of January 1993. After the restoration, Rooms 327 and 2401 are always treated, decorated with green rooms, given daily treats, not to be occupied and dedicated only to the Queen South. 

The same thing was done at the Samudra Beach Hotel in Pelabuhan Ratu. Room 308 is specially prepared for Ratu Kidul. In Yogyakarta, Hotel Queen of The South near Parangtritis has reserved Room 33 for Sang Kanjeng Ratu (Ratu Kidul)


Hotel Samudra Beach Hotel, Pelabuhan Ratu, West Java, provides 308 rooms painted green for Kanjeng Ratu Kidul. At least in early 1966, Indonesia's first president, Sukarno, was involved in determining the location and idea of the Samudra Beach Hotel. In front of room 308 is a Ketapang tree where Sukarno drew his spiritual inspiration. In the room also installed the famous painting "Nyai Rara Kidul" by Basuki Abdullah.

4. The Queen of the South Coast and her assistants

According to an information source, so far, many people think, Nyi Roro Kidul is the queen of the rulers of the South Coast of Java. In fact, this understanding is not entirely correct. This statement was made by retrocognition expert Hari Kurniawan alias Om Hao. Through the YouTube channel, the story of the Land of Java, the video uploaded in 2019 initially showed Om Hao and his team on a pilgrimage to the Cepuri area on Parangkusumo Beach, Yogyakarta. The spiritual expert had revealed the difference between Nyi Roro Kidul and Kanjeng Ratu Kidul.

He explained, the Queen of the South Coast is Kanjeng Ratu Kidul/Ratu Kidul, not Nyi Roro Kidul as many people believe.


"So far, Nyi Roro Kidul is well known as a ruler. Actually, there are four main points here, the first is Gusti Kanjeng Ratu (Hajjah) Kencono Sari or he is better known as Kanjeng Ibu Ratu Kidul. She is the queen, the Queen of the South Coast, "

"Then he has an outside Pepatih, or like the minister of foreign affairs, namely Nyai Roro Kidul. This is the one we know the most, everyone, because he is the one who goes out the most,” he continued.

Om Hao then returned to say that there were two other figures who were often around Kanjeng Ratu Kidul.

“The third one is Nyai Riyo Kidul. So, one is Roro and this one is Riyo. He is a domestic affair or inner Pepatih, "said Om Hao.

"Next to Kanjeng Ratu or Kanjeng Ibu Ratu, it is Mbok Kidul or Mbok Emban Kidul, this is a loyal servant or assistant who carries the gold bowl everywhere she goes," he added.

From Om Hao's explanation above that;

  1. Gusti Kanjeng Ratu / Kanjeng Ibu Ratu Kidul as Queen of the South Coast
  2. Nyai Roro Kidul as the outside Pepatih or like the foreign minister because he was the one who going outside the most
  3. Nyai Riyo Kidul as Pepatih in domestic affairs
  4. Mbok Kidul / Mbok Emban Kidul as a loyal servant or assistant who everywhere brings Ratu's gold bowl.

There are so many stories that can be lifted from the folklore of Queen of the South Coast (Ratu Pantai Selatan), despite experiencing the pros and cons in Indonesia itself, this story has been trusted from generation to generation. What else do you want to know about this folklore?


Kanjeng Ratu Kidul

Sering Dikira Sama, Ini Bedanya Nyi Roro Kidul dengan Kanjeng Ratu Kidul

Mitos Nyi Roro Kidul dan legitimasi Raja Mataram

Aan Merdeka Permana, Putri Kandita Kemelut Putri Prabu Siliwangi. 2016, h. 23-26

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