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7 Recomended Bakpia, Local Culinary in Yogyakarta

Table Of Contents 1. History of Bakpia in Yogyakarta 2. Bakpia Pioneer in Yogyakarta, Bakpia Patuk 75 3. Recommended Bakpia in Yogyakarta 4. Closing  Source: ury amuta - Bakpia local culinary in Yogyakarta ...

Javanese Head-Cover (Blangkon)

Table Of Contents 1. Javanese Men's Head Coverings 2. History of Blangkon 3. The secret behind Blangkon 4. Closing ...

Parangkusumo Beach Mystical Tours and Natural Attractions

Table Of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Parangkusumo Beach with its Mystical Tours 3. Natural Attractions a. Gumuk Pasir or Sand-Dunes b. Gardu Action c. Labuhan Ceremony d. Melasti Ceremony e. Exotic Sunset 4. Facilities at Parangkusumo Beach 5. Other Information ...

Story of The Queen and The Mataram Kingdom

Table Of Contents 1. Queen of the South-Coast on several versions 2. The love story of the King and Queen 3. Respected Queen of the South Coast (Ratu Kidul) 4. The Queen of the South Coast and her assistants ...

Abdi Dalem and Cultural Ambassador

Table Of Contents 1. Introduction 2. What is Abdi Dalem? 3. How to become Abdi Dalem? 4. Closing ...

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